5 Major Challenges Marketers Must Overcome

Marketing is a complex field that requires skill and knowledge to navigate. From demonstrating value to understanding customer behavior, marketers must face a number of challenges in order to succeed.

5 Major Challenges Marketers Must Overcome

Marketing is a complex field that requires a great deal of skill and knowledge to navigate. From demonstrating the value of marketing to the company to understanding customer behavior, marketers must face a number of challenges in order to succeed. Closing the skills gap, understanding customer behavior, strengthening digital strategies, and boosting growth with limited budgets are some of the major challenges that marketers must overcome. One of the biggest challenges is demonstrating the value of marketing for the company.

Studies suggest that between 41 and 65 percent of all online purchases involve multiple devices, yet sellers only identify 15 percent of these purchases as being made with multiple devices. To address this challenge, brands can use data management platforms and multi-device technology to target relevant ads to consumers when they are near physical stores. For example, Taco Bell's Cinco de Mayo Snapchat campaign saw the brand launch a sponsored lens that turned consumers' heads into a gigantic taco shell and garnered 224 million views in one day. Another challenge is understanding customer behavior.

Having an incomplete understanding will affect objective marketing and personalization efforts. The advent of the Internet has revolutionized accountability and has made marketing more attractive in meeting rooms by demonstrating a clear ROI. Website speed and performance also play an important role in SEO ranking. Email marketers must also face the challenge of winning and retaining subscribers.

Obtaining and maintaining more budget is often easier said than done, especially for smaller organizations that don't work with significant or flexible marketing spend. It is important to focus on improving areas that need more attention in order to make marketing much more effective. Finally, marketers must be able to collect data from all screens and channels to get a more complete picture of their customers and potential customers, as well as their marketing campaigns. Customers appreciate sellers who communicate with them in an understanding way and are more likely to enjoy these interactions.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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