The Top Challenges for Marketers in 2021 and How to Overcome Them

As an expert SEO marketer, learn how to overcome 2021's top challenges for marketers with simple solutions. Discover how identity resolution solutions can help you create a coordinated omnichannel campaign.

The Top Challenges for Marketers in 2021 and How to Overcome Them

As the economy continues to recover from the unexpected recessions, the role of a marketing professional has become increasingly important for the success of the company they serve. In this article, 15 members of the Forbes Agency Council share their views on what are the main challenges for marketers this year. Studies suggest that between 41 and 65 percent of all current online purchases involve multiple devices. Another study found that sellers only identify that 15 percent of purchases are made with multiple devices, meaning that they are likely to misidentify a large portion of sales.

A Lotame customer used their data management platform and multi-device technology in a campaign that aimed to reach pet owners. Utilizing multi-screen metrics, they targeted relevant ads to consumers when they were near physical pet stores. This identity resolution strategy allowed them to increase consumer participation by 250 percent. Marketing challenges are part of business, but how can you overcome them? We've put together a list of the top 12 marketing challenges and the simple solutions that can eliminate them.

On the one hand, every interaction feeds the growing amount of available consumer data, giving marketers more information about their potential customers than ever before. Marketers can collect anonymous data from almost any data source, including laptop browsers, smartphones, tablets, email subscriptions, and even offline purchases. Of course, the fact that markets are now global means that you have more competition in your niche no matter what it is. Getting the right content and promoting it to the right audience is absolutely necessary for the growth of your company.

Lotame's Cartographer technology helps marketers address these challenges and improve the performance of their campaigns. With an identity resolution solution, you can take data from the different engagement methods used by consumers and sellers and combine them to create a coordinated omnichannel campaign. The line between brand awareness and performance marketing is being blurred, and marketers should be well aware of the impact that upper-funnel actions have on low-funnel events. When it comes to ensuring that consumers continue to perceive a company as strong, stable and reliable in difficult times, senior business leaders rely on the experience and knowledge of their in-house marketing teams or partner agencies.

Customers can feel overwhelmed when there are too many options available, and having so many options in the market can cause disruptions in sales and services provided. This has meant greater competition for new and existing digital marketers in SEO, content marketing and social media.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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