Overcoming the Top 12 Digital Marketing Challenges

Learn how businesses can overcome digital marketing challenges by utilizing powerful automation platforms such as Pardot, Hubspot & Marketo & investing in content strategies.

Overcoming the Top 12 Digital Marketing Challenges

The impact of COVID-19 on digital marketers and companies is undeniable. As a successful digital agency for sixteen years, Pyxl has seen trends come and go, platforms rise and fall, and has adapted accordingly. Marketing challenges are an inevitable part of business, but how can you overcome them? Here is a list of the top twelve marketing challenges and the simple solutions that can help you eliminate them. Around fifty percent of companies using digital marketing do not have an established plan or strategy.

This can lead to spending less of your budget on marketing that does not actually attract new customers, or growing your business too quickly without being prepared for changes in the market. To combat this, marketing automation platforms such as Pardot, Hubspot, and Marketo can help you monitor customer activity from their first visit to purchase. This allows you to collect data from all screens and channels to get a more complete picture of your customers and potential customers, as well as your marketing campaigns. This data can be used to analyze what works best for your company and how to allocate your marketing budget accordingly. It is important to consider the challenges that arise year after year in the sector, regardless of whether they affect you or not.

As a marketer, you have natural abilities that lend themselves to marketing the company as a whole.


is a powerful marketing, sales, and customer service tool that can help businesses grow and succeed, but it can also seem complex. Content marketing offers great opportunities for brand and business building, so the most successful marketers now spend more than forty percent of their budgets on content strategies. All HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS and operations software are available in one platform. Presentation analytics integrated into presentations provide real-time data such as the time spent viewing individual slides.

Marketers must also respect privacy standards while continuing to use data to improve their marketing and customer experiences. Consumers' use of multiple channels to buy, interact with, and interact with brands offers both opportunities and challenges for marketers. A clear and efficient process allows you to carry out marketing activities more quickly or delegate them to another team member. The key to unlocking the budget lies in being able to demonstrate the ROI of your marketing efforts (as mentioned above). John Lee, director of evangelism at Microsoft Advertising, believes that generating leads will be a particularly big challenge for marketers. As an expert SEO consultant, I understand how important it is for businesses to overcome these digital marketing challenges in order to succeed in today's competitive market.

By utilizing powerful automation platforms such as Pardot, Hubspot, and Marketo, businesses can monitor customer activity from their first visit to purchase. This allows them to collect data from all screens and channels to get a more complete picture of their customers and potential customers, as well as their marketing campaigns. Content strategies are also essential for successful digital marketing campaigns. By investing more than forty percent of their budgets on content strategies, businesses can create engaging content that will attract new customers and build brand loyalty. Additionally, presentation analytics integrated into presentations provide real-time data such as the time spent viewing individual slides. Finally, businesses must also respect privacy standards while continuing to use data to improve their marketing and customer experiences.

By understanding the ROI of their marketing efforts and utilizing efficient processes for carrying out activities quickly or delegating them to another team member, businesses can unlock their budget and generate leads more effectively. By understanding these twelve digital marketing challenges and implementing the solutions outlined above, businesses can ensure they are well-equipped to succeed in today's competitive market.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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