Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy and Mix for a Product

Learn how to develop an effective marketing strategy & mix for products using four main elements: product, price, location & promotion.

Creating a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy and Mix for a Product

Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy and mix for a product is essential for any business. It is important to identify the target audience of the product and narrow the focus by determining who will buy it. To create an effective plan, it is necessary to understand the four main elements of a marketing mix: product, price, location and promotion. The first step is to describe the specific value and qualities of the product that make it stand out from the competition.

This will help shape the marketing campaign around this description. Visualize the expected customer in your mind and on paper (or in a word processing program). Speak directly to this customer. The term placement also refers to advertising the product in appropriate media channels to attract target consumers.

A discount can draw more customers, but it can also give the impression that the product is less desirable than it was before. For tangible products, this includes physical locations such as your own store or a retailer where your product will be resold. To make research and development more effective, use free market research templates so you can better understand your customers and competitors. Since the marketing mix involves elements from all departments (and even your company), it is essential to create a marketing mix strategy for each product you launch or for your company as a whole. Marketers must understand the life cycle of a product and business executives must have a plan for managing products at every stage of its life cycle. Consider whether the product will be sold in grocery stores, department stores or small boutiques. The marketing mix framework has been used by B2B representatives and sales teams to turn strangers into paying customers since the 1940s, and has been evolving ever since.

While some elements have been added or modified over the years, especially for the digital age, the core elements of the marketing mix (i.e., the four P's) have remained consistent for decades. Even so, there is an undeniable benefit of organizing marketing efforts within the framework of a marketing mix. All elements of the mix are important, so don't overlook any of them and look for ways for different elements of the mix to overlap and share objectives. Creating an effective marketing strategy requires an in-depth exploration of those first four Ps: product, price, place and promotion. These are key considerations that must be carefully reviewed and implemented wisely in order to effectively market a product or service.

While it is possible to simplify the marketing mix down to just four P's, recent advances in marketing have resulted in additional P's being added to the list. These other elements should be used as needed for your projects.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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