Creating Brand Awareness for Marketers: Expert Tips and Strategies

Marketers have a variety of tools at their disposal to create brand awareness. Learn expert tips & strategies from 15 members of the Forbes Coaching Council on how to maximize the impact of your efforts.

Creating Brand Awareness for Marketers: Expert Tips and Strategies

Marketers have a wealth of tools at their disposal to create brand awareness. From blog posts and sponsored content to videos, social media posts, and product pages, the possibilities are endless. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful ways to build trust and familiarity with customers. To maximize the impact of their efforts, marketers should be creative and think outside the box.

To help marketers get started, 15 members of the Forbes Coaching Council have shared their top tactics for publicizing brands. According to them, the best way to begin is by creating a culture in which employees are enthusiastic about evangelizing the organization. Leaders should focus on the process and technology later. If appropriate for the industry, marketers can also be bold and memorable.

It's important to remember that a brand recognition campaign will be different from a conversion-oriented campaign. To measure success, marketers should track completion rates of brand awareness videos and compare them with other high-profile videos. Storytelling is another great way to generate conversation and evoke emotions in the audience. A survey found that 69% of consumers would rather buy from a brand they know than the cheapest product.

This is why it's so important for brands to become recognizable and familiar. They should also look at how each marketing activity contributed to overall numbers. Additionally, they can compare internal bias towards certain brands. Once the brand message has been refined, it's time to measure success.

Trends come and go, but giving your brand a unique identity is timeless. Sponsoring events that are likely to be enjoyed by your target audience can help introduce your brand to thousands of people. Finally, an omnichannel approach (email, digital ads, direct mail, social media and telephone) can help turn brand awareness into brand influence.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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