6 Ways Marketing Management Can Improve Customer Service

Learn how marketing management can help improve customer service by understanding how products work, providing personalized approaches to customer service, using social media for inquiries, rewarding customers with points or discounts, talking to customer service r

6 Ways Marketing Management Can Improve Customer Service

Customer service is a priority for many businesses, as three out of four customers are more likely to spend money on companies that offer superior customer service. To ensure customers are satisfied, it is essential for marketing and customer service teams to work together. Kim Courvoisier will teach you six ways in which marketing and customer service can collaborate to create more consistent customer experiences.

1.Onboard a Product Specialist

Every customer service agent should spend time onboarding an experienced product specialist so they can ask questions and gain a full understanding of the product.

This will help the customer service team provide better assistance to customers.

2.Utilize Social Media

Social media is not just for engaging with an audience and promoting content; it can also be used for customer service. Scheduling meetings and training sessions that involve both marketing and service teams is a great way to ensure everyone is on the same page.

3.Do Things That Don't Scale

Paul Graham's famous advice to do things that don't scale is as valuable for improving customer satisfaction as it is for getting customers.

This includes taking the time to respond to customers who have positive things to say, as well as those who have complaints.

4.Create a System

Creating a system that allows members of your customer service team to participate in customer service-related inquiries through social media will only improve the customer experience. This reduces repetitions and back-and-forth, and ensures no step is missed during the onboarding process or providing service to customers.

5.Reward Customers

Whether you reward them with points, discounts, or exposure on your social networks or other marketing channels, your customer service team can work closely with Marketing to improve the offer for customers and increase the visibility of your program.

6.Evaluate Your Customer Service SituationTo maintain a positive customer experience and transform it into a marketing strategy, you must evaluate your customer service situation. Make your support process as transparent and simple as possible, and you'll have happier customers who feel like they're truly cared for. For a contact center's frontline agents, that means providing the tools that allow them to fully understand the customer's history, problem, emotions and intent and the ability to respond effectively. Marketing management can be an effective tool for improving customer service by helping companies create more consistent experiences for their customers. By understanding how products work, providing personalized approaches to customer service, using social media for inquiries, rewarding customers with points or discounts, talking to customer service representatives, and providing frontline agents with the right tools, companies can ensure that their customers are satisfied with their services.

Erika Biron
Erika Biron

Typical coffee lover. Incurable social media ninja. Lifelong explorer. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Subtly charming coffee ninja.

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